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  泰国斯坦佛国际大学(Stamford International University)就是泰国高等教育国际化的典范。素以教育环境国际化、多元化而闻名,凭借其雄厚的“美国教育资源”背景,始建于1995年的斯坦佛国际大学有“精品国际大学”的美誉。这是全泰唯一 一所获得美国IACBE认证的大学,在泰国众多高等院校中综合排名第四位,国际化程度全泰第一,在泰国高等教育委员会教育质量评估中连续三年获得全优佳绩。



  “国际教育,最重要的是把学生放在国际化的环境中,结识来自世界各个国家的同学和老师,同时也要有丰富的海外交流体验以及学习经历。”Mr. Gilles Mahe,劳瑞德国际教育集团泰国CEO,在接受《留学》采访时提到,斯坦佛从学生比例到师资配备,全是泰国首屈一指的。斯坦佛40%的学生来自全球100多个国家,70%的老师来自世界各地,包括美国、英国、法国、德国等国家,是个名副其实的“迷你联合国”,真正实现高度国际化的教学环境。此外,学生只需3年学习时间即可获得本科学士学位或泰国与澳大利亚、美国等国家的双学士学位,与其他国家的留学相比大大节省了时间和成本,提高留学性价比。斯坦佛国际大学还为学生提供丰富的海外学习资源和多种海外可选的交流项目,学生可前往澳大利亚、德国、瑞士、法国、西班牙、芬兰、捷克等国家的大学交?流。

  “斯坦佛大学非常注重培养学生的就业能力,甚至有专门的团队研究就业市场上雇主的喜好、行业发展趋势并将信息及时反馈给学生。”Gilles在接受采访时提到学校有专业的服务团队,从学生咨询、申请、入学、学习到就业,都有专业团队帮助学生一起成长,因为在斯坦佛校方看来毕业生的薪资和就业才是最实在的。为了提高学生的就业能力,斯坦佛与泰国当地或亚洲地区各大著名企业及跨国企业长期保持良好、密切的合作关系,一直致力于为学生争取更多机会前往企业实习,创造就业机会。2017年2月,重量级世界领导人—墨西哥前总统Ernesto Zedillo在斯坦佛国际大学发表演讲时强调,“国际教育对于年轻人的全面发展举足轻重,教学质量是大学发展的首要问题。学校应与企业、政府部门进行密切的合作,以此来帮助学生在步入职场前做好心理和技能上的充分准备。”之后不久,斯坦佛国际大学就与世界上最大的化妆品公司之一欧莱雅签署一项合作备忘录,斯坦佛市场营销专业的学生和辅修零售管理的学生将有机会在欧莱雅体验真正的工作环境、积累职场经验。此外,欧莱雅还将根据行业特点与斯坦佛合作,共同开发与学生专业课程关联的学术项目,培养符合国际人才需要的优秀毕业生。




  斯坦佛国际大学创意媒体设计专业则与新西兰奥克兰媒体设计学校(MDS,全球TOP3的媒体设计院校) 强强联手,在设计及相关专业课程方面合作教学,取长补短。课程结束后将会获得斯坦佛国际大学学士学位和新西兰媒体设计学校颁发的证书。MDS的数字技术和创意技术领域在全球享有极高的声誉,其毕业生多参与到脍炙人口的知名电影《霍比特人》《阿凡达》《金刚》和《指环王三部曲(魔戒三部曲)》等制作。








  Q=Studying Abroad Magazine

  A=Mr.Gilles Mahe(劳瑞德国际教育集团泰国CEO)

  Q:The education makes a show of internationalization’s trends along with the increasingly aggravation of the globalization, what kind of educational model can meet the requirements of Chinese students?

  A: So, I think Chinese students need an international education, they need to be put into the multi-cultural environment, where they face students from other countries, where they face teachers from other nationalities, they also need to have the experience of studying abroad and spending some time out of China to gain some experience from other countries in Asia and out of Asia, so the first part is that they need the international education; The second part what they need I think is, an education focusing on employability, and how to drive Chinese students to find a right job in the right job. And finally I think to learn in methodologies or something important, a lot of Chinese universities are very traditional. In the way to teach our students, I think what is important for Chinese students is to build their confidence, and to do that we need to make sure that they are engaged in the education, which means they do and work in the team on industry projects, they need to be used to present, to communicate, to share important view. Um, so that they become confident in expressing the point of view, sharing the point of view, and having a proper discussion with teachers, students and their friends.

  Q:The education makes a show of internationalization’s trends along with the increasingly aggravation of the globalization, what kind of educational model can meet the requirements of Chinese students?

  A: So, I think Chinese students need an international education, they need to be put into the multi-cultural environment, where they face students from other countries, where they face teachers from other nationalities, they also need to have the experience of studying abroad and spending some time out of China to gain some experience from other countries in Asia and out of Asia, so the first part is that they need the international education; The second part what they need I think is, an education focusing on employability, and how to drive Chinese students to find a right job in the right job. And finally I think to learn in methodologies or something important, a lot of Chinese universities are very traditional. In the way to teach our students, I think what is important for Chinese students is to build their confidence, and to do that we need to make sure that they are engaged in the education, which means they do and work in the team on industry projects, they need to be used to present, to communicate, to share important view. Um, so that they become confident in expressing the point of view, sharing the point of view, and having a proper discussion with teachers, students and their friends.

  Q:As an international university based in Thailand, Stamford focuses on innovation. Are there any new academic ideas in 2017?

  A: Stamford University is a real international university because forty percent of our students are coming from more than twenty countries. Second, sixty percent of our faculty members are coming from the US、UK、Australia、Europe、India and China, so there is a higher proportion of foreign faculty members. Third all our programs have good cooperation with schools and companies in the Thailand,in the US, in the UK, in Australia, in Europe, and give the opportunity to our students to get a second degree from another country, for example just like the program is collaborating with Torrens University Australia, a marketing program is in collaboration with Pace University in New York. So students can get two degrees, one from Thailand and another from other countries such as USA. When they graduated, students can also work in the USA during one year, which is another great experience for students. So that the reason why we are a real international university, and the only real international university entirely in terms of innovation, which we believe is the main issue in the educational sector and has a close connection between university and industry. In many countries in the world, a lot of graduates have some difficulties in finding a job, and the reason is that universities are disconnected from industry, and therefore education,which is provided to the students, is not relevant to the industry and therefore some students can not find a job. So our goal of Stamford, is to be very connected with industry. So that when they graduate, students are ready to work.

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[《留学》杂志主编推荐斯坦佛国际大学,访斯坦福佛ceo“Gilles”] 文章生成时间为:2019-03-06 01:16:34
斯坦佛国际大学(STIU--Stamford International university)
  • 院校名称:斯坦佛国际大学
  • 学校类型:私立大学
  • 建校时间:1950年
  • 世界排名:2
  • 学生人数:12000人
  • 院校地址:国际本科校区:Rama 9 Camous 16,Motorway Road-Km2 Prawat,Bangkok 10250
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/th/stamford/
  • 斯坦佛国际大学 STIU--Stamford International university,创建于1995年,是一所国内教育部和泰国教育部都均认可的私立大学。…[详细介绍]

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